Do We Have Free Will?

Robert Sapolsky has just written a book arguing that free will is an illusion. Kevin Mitchell has just written a book arguing that free will is absolutely real. In this …

Asteroid 20039 Danfalk!

I’m honoured to have an asteroid named after me! Thanks to the efforts of Peter Jedicke and others at the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, a small asteroid orbiting the …

Astronomers are setting up the Einstein camera in preparation for the 1922 solar eclipse.

The Einstein Camera

A century ago, a U of T astronomer led a small group of Canadians on a daring expedition to Australia to test Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Read my feature …

NASA’s Nazi Past

The German scientists and engineers brought to the U.S. via Operation Paperclip, including Wernher von Braun, lived the American dream. Most were never held accountable for their actions during World …

JWST’s first year

The James Webb Space Telescope has had a fabulous first year, yielding spectacular images and surprising science. My feature for Smithsonian.