One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein arrived on American shores for the first time. He was greeted as a hero — espeically by the nation's Jews, for whom he was …
Darwin's The Descent of Man is 150 years old. Parts of it have held up well — but questions still swirl around the idea of sexual selection, and the evolution …
Two large pieces of space junk have a near-collision — sparking questions about just how much garbage is up there, and who's keeping track of it. My feature for National …
In a viral video, a teenager asked a seemingly-simple question: What, exactly, is math? The question is tougher than it sounds, and has provoked debate among mathematicians and philosophers for …
SETI researchers hope to detect signs of intelligent life in the cosmos — but other scientists suspect we might be in for a rather long wait. My feature for New …
We remember Galileo as an astronomer and as one of the leading figures of the scientific revolution — but he was also trained as an artist, and that training helped …
From H.G. Wells' groundbreaking novel The Time Machine to the campy 1980s Back to the Future movie trilogy, time travel has long been a staple for science fiction wtiters. But …