Update from Easter Island

Greetings from Easter Island! In my latest posting for New Scientist’s “Culture Lab” blog, I talk about scoping out the island for the perfect spot to view and photograph tomorrow’s …

The Disappearing Spoon

I review Sam Kean’s book about the periodic table for the Globe & Mail. In “The Disappearing Spoon,” Kean tells the intriguing story of the chemical elements and the remarkable …

Beethoven and Your Brain

What happens in your brain when you listen to Beethoven? I review “Beethoven and Your Brain,” a special concert/lecture by Daniel Levitin and the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, for New Scientist’s “Culture …

Jewish without God

What does it mean to be a Jewish atheist? In a documentary airing this Sunday (Nov. 7) on the CBC Radio program “Tapestry,” I explore the idea of maintaining a …