Why the Higgs matters

What is the Higgs boson, and why does it matter that we've found it? My interview with physicist Robert Orr, from today's Globe and Mail.


My latest video is a light-hearted look at the phenomenon of "MIT-henge," the twice-a-year alignment in which the setting sun lines up with the "infinite corridor" at the Massachusetts Institute …

The Enigma of Easter Island

My travel article on Easter Island appears in today’s Los Angeles Times. Known for its ancient stone statues, or moai, the remote island remains a place of exquisite solitude. (I …

In Search of Galileo

Often considered the “father of modern science,” Galileo blazed a trail in astronomy and physics that remains bright today. In this article for COSMOS magazine, I take the reader on …

Knight Fellowship begins!

As of today I am officially a Knight Fellow! Soon I’ll be selecting classes to take at both MIT and Harvard, along with 11 other science journalists from the U.S. …