Einstein's masterpiece, 100 years old this year, continues to provoke. My cover story for Cosmos magazine on general relativity's first century — and where it may still take us.
Can an off-the-shelf telephoto lens be used for cutting-edge astronomy? If you put enough of them together, sure! I report on a new telescope array — a Canadian-led project called …
The accepted medical wisdom is that addiction is a disease. Neuroscientist and former addict Marc Lewis sees it differently. I review his book "The Biology of Desire" in the Globe …
How likely — or not — was the evolution of Homo sapiens? Was the appearance of an upright, intelligent ape predictable, or a mind-boggling stroke of luck? My feature story …
Canadian computer scientists have developed a neural-network-based program that can tell you what it's looking at (and gets it right, most of the time). My news story for Scientific American.
Neural-network based artificial intelligence is about to change everything. My feature story for the University of Toronto Magazine, focusing on the work of machine learning pioneer Geoffrey Hinton.
Quantum computing could be a game-changer — and Canadian researchers in Waterloo's "quantum valley" are leading the way. My feature story for CPA Magazine.
The idea of invisibility has a long and provocative history. I review Philip Ball's new book, Invisible: The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen, in today's Globe and Mail newspaper.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is a half-century-old quest — but as I report in Slate Future Tense, there's a new, and very heated debate these days: Should we …