Einstein was a genius — but he was also human. Occasionally, he slipped up. In this feature for NBCnews.com, I look at three of Einstein's biggest mistakes.
Science is rooted in "empiricism" — the idea that the only way to learn about nature is via experiment and observation. But what if you could gain new knowledge just …
For the first time in nearly half a century, NASA is hoping to send astronauts beyong low-earth orbit. I wrote about the proposed Deep Space Gateway in this feature story …
Galileo and Einstein were masters of the "thought experiment." But how can these exercises of the imagination tell us anything about the actual, physical world? My feature story for Aeon.
When gravitational wave detectors registered ripples in space-time from a pair of colliding neutron stars, the race was on to see if we could also see it, using optical telescopes. …
Astronomers have sent a radio message to a planetary system just 12 light years away, in case there's anyone there. But "METI" (messaging extra-terrestrial intelligence) has always been controversial, as …